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Thank Gawd I'm not a Blogger!

As you can see I'm not the most consistent at blogging (my last one is dated March 2017, eek!). Surprise. Thank goodness my business is not built on it!

What my business is built on is social media management + consulting, workshops for women and well, being social. In those areas, I am rockin' my passion and my profession.

Cheers to that and, oh, I want to share a little something with you.......

Last week I struck an incredible balance in my business + personal life. A magic alchemy of persistence and play, all wrapped up together.

Here's what happened:

- I tripled my usual weekly revenue

- Hired an employee

- Hired a business mentor

- Secured 3 new clients

- Got a new tattoo

- Did aerial yoga for the first time

- Finished my third #RadicalSistaCircle

- Attended our 11th meeting of #BendBossBabes

- Got headshots

- Started a 13-day #SelfCare challenge

- Went on a hike in the woods w/ my hubby

- Chilled like a mo-fo on the weekend

- Did house projects

- Took time to read

- Hung out with friends by the fire

And, I woke up on Monday morning (today) feeling like a champ knowing that ALL of this could happen and I could still feel at ease in the world.

Am I bragging? Absolutely not.

I am sharing what I believe to be possible if you put your mind to it in building YOUR perfect work/life balance.

I am also SO damn proud of myself and it

feels really good to share that!

Will your perfect work/life balance look different than mine? Of course, it will. Will you rest more or possibly make more money than I did, sure thing! Whatever it looks like, keep striving.

The week ahead won't look quite like last week. It's my week with my son, whom I devote equal amounts of energy to; this, in turn, leaves less time for my work life to be so full.

But, he's one of the major reasons I jam like a total pro on my off weeks. For me, for my son + my family.

Listen babes, I share with you how my career-life is unfolding for me because I want you to know what IS possible. I want you to have the same verve for following your passion(s). I believe that when we share with one-another and are in community together we can strike this radical balance of work + play + family + self-care. I know this like I know my own name.

There are several ways that I like to stoke this fire in others:

- Through Social Media one-on-one coaching

- In #RadicalSistaCircle together

- One-on-one business mentorship

If any of those services call to you, reach out. I love to connect + collaborate with others as we ALL strive to be the badasses we are meant to be. Sending massive gratitude for letting me share.

Holly JustHolly

Business Owner + Radical Instigator

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